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Kamis, 20 November 2008

Game Snack Versi3

Setelah Game Snack Versi 1 dan 2 keluar ini versi tiga saya keluarkan, anda bisa menggunakan menggunakan game snack menggunakan versi CPP atau menggunakan Versi atau mau coba programnya ambil aja di Belajar Tik

Kode program CPP




int p,tombol,pj;

int x[10],y[10];

int badan[10];

int xm,ym;

int skor,speed;

int arah;

int ax,ay;

int waktu,w,level;

void cetaku();

void bentukarah();

void skors();

void main()























         int ss;




                  gotoxy(ss,1);cprintf(" ");

                  gotoxy(ss,24);cprintf(" ");




                  gotoxy(1,ss);cprintf(" ");

                  gotoxy(51,ss);cprintf(" ");


















                                             if(arah==3 || arah==4 || arah==0)



                                    else if(tombol==77)


                                             if(arah==3 || arah==4 || arah==0)



                                    else if(tombol==72)


                                             if(arah==1 || arah==2)



                                    else if(tombol==80)


                                             if(arah==1 || arah==2)





                  if(x[0]==2 || x[0]==50 || y[0]==1 || y[0]==24)



                           cout<<"Game Over";



                  if(x[0]==xm && y[0]==ym && arah!=0)






















void cetaku()











                  cprintf(" ");



void bentukarah()









         else if(arah==2)


         else if(arah==3)


         else if(arah==4)



void skors()



         cout<<"Skor : "<<skor;


         cout<<"Time : "<<w;


         cout<<"Level : "<<level;



Untuk VB.Net Inini kodenya

Module Module1

Dim p, tombol, pj

Dim x(10), y(10)

Dim badan(10)

Dim xm, ym

Dim skor, speed

Dim arah

Dim ax, ay

Dim waktu, w, level

Sub main()

         Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black


         waktu = 0

         arah = 0

         w = 0

         speed = 200


         level = 0

         skor = 0

         Console.CursorVisible = False

         ax = 1

         ay = 0

         pj = 2

         xm = CInt(Rnd() * 45) + 5

         ym = CInt(Rnd() * 15) + 5

         skor = 0

         For p = 0 To pj

                   x(pj - p) = p + 2

                  y(p) = 12


         Dim ss

         Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan

         For ss = 1 To 51

                  Console.CursorTop = 1

                  Console.CursorLeft = ss

                  Console.Write(" ")

                  Console.CursorTop = 24

                  Console.CursorLeft = ss

                  Console.Write(" ")


         For ss = 1 To 24

                  Console.CursorTop = ss

                  Console.CursorLeft = 1

                  Console.Write(" ")

                  Console.CursorTop = ss

                  Console.CursorLeft = 51

                  Console.Write(" ")


         Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black



                  Console.CursorTop = ym

                  Console.CursorLeft = xm




                  If (Console.KeyAvailable) Then

                           tombol = Console.ReadKey.Key

                           If (tombol = 37) Then

                                    If (arah = 3 Or arah = 4 Or arah = 0) Then arah = 2

                           ElseIf (tombol = 39) Then

                                    If (arah = 3 Or arah = 4 Or arah = 0) Then arah = 1

                           ElseIf (tombol = 38) Then

                                    If (arah = 1 Or arah = 2) Then arah = 3

                           ElseIf (tombol = 40) Then

                                    If (arah = 1 Or arah = 2) Then arah = 4

                           End If

               End If

         If (x(0) = 2 Or x(0) = 50 Or y(0) = 1 Or y(0) = 24) Then

                  Console.CursorTop = 12

                  Console.CursorLeft = 20

                  Console.Write("Game Over")

                  tombol = 27

         End If

         If (x(0) = xm And y(0) = ym And arah <> 0) Then

                  skor = skor + 10

                  x(pj + 1) = x(pj)

                  y(pj + 1) = y(pj)

                  pj = pj + 1

                  xm = CInt(Rnd() * 45) + 5

                  ym = CInt(Rnd() * 15) + 5

         End If

         waktu = waktu + 1

         If (waktu Mod (1000 / speed) = 0) Then

                  w = w + 1

                  If (pj = 9) Then

                            pj = 3

                          If (speed >= 60) Then speed = speed - 10

                           level = level + 1

                    End If

           End If

         Loop While (tombol <> 27)


End Sub

Sub cetaku()

         For p = 0 To pj

                   Console.CursorTop = y(p)

                  Console.CursorLeft = x(p)




         For p = 0 To pj

                  Console.CursorTop = y(p)

                  Console.CursorLeft = x(p)

                  Console.Write(" ")


End Sub

Sub bentukarah()

         For p = pj To 1 Step -1

                  x(p) = x(p - 1)

                  y(p) = y(p - 1)


         If (arah = 1) Then

                  x(0) = x(0) + 1

         ElseIf (arah = 2) Then

                  x(0) = x(0) - 1

         ElseIf (arah = 3) Then

                  y(0) = y(0) - 1

         ElseIf (arah = 4) Then

                  y(0) = y(0) + 1

         End If

End Sub

sub skors()

         Console.CursorTop = 3

         Console.CursorLeft = 53

         Console.Write("Skor : " & skor)

         Console.CursorTop = 5

         Console.CursorLeft = 53

         Console.Write("Time : " & w)

         Console.CursorTop = 7

         Console.CursorLeft = 53

         Console.Write("Level : " & level)

End Sub

End Module

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